hahahah Vawl not Voul. Made my night hangin with y'all

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Conner. I’ll never forget the first day I met you. You opened for TR back in 2022 and I instantly become an even bigger fan of you and your music. You lit up the stage and got the party started with your fun energy and your amazing music. You were standing at the sound booth watch Thomas perform and I called your name, came over to me and gave me the biggest hug and it made me feel so loved and appreciated. ( I’m still so sorry after I yelled your name all those people came rushing over) . From that night I knew you were a special one. Your music is insane and you have the biggest heart. I’ve seen you 6 times since that night and I’m forever thankful each time I got the chance to come and say hello . Seeing your career soar the past few years has been so special to me. ❤️ I also wanted to thank you for always showing me so much love especially in times when you don’t even know that I needed it the most. Thank you for the shout out at guitars and stars in Rochester NY in May it truly made my whole year and I’ll never forget it. Can’t wait to continue to watch you do incredible things in country music. I love you so so much 🥹

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Love you back! Thanks for everything

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Conner I saw you for the first time in concert last year your awesome I will be back at your shows I love the collaboration that you have with@tuckerwetmore on the new twister movie#steal my thunder when I heard Creek will rise I said to my later now husband I said that has to be mine and his wedding song so now every time we both hear it we always say its our wedding song DPAO wants you to perform for them your defiantly awesome in concert your #1 fan

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Although I have always loved country music and looked up to singers and songwriters, you will always have a special place in my heart. I remember my first concert of yours, I was in Dayton to see Thomas Rhett and Parker Mccollum. We showed up early and at that point the only song I knew was “I Hate Alabama”. In February of 2023, you played at the Thirsty Cowboy in Medina. I went with my aunt and mom, and a group of friends I knew happen to be going as well. That group of friends happen to lead me to my now boyfriend. That was also the first time I met you. Since then, we’ve traveled to Knoxville and Indiana (last week) to see you perform. Will always be worth it. Hopefully i’ll see u at my wedding.

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I’ll be working on your take it slow wedding version as you asked haha

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It’s great to be apart of the journey.

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Lets go!

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This! Conner, you have seen the big picture here. Music is family and has increasingly become more about the analytics than the people who show up night after night. I’m so impressed that your heart is to connect to your music family.

My daughter and I first saw you in Charleston, SC with TR in 2022, then had the pleasure of meeting you at Coyote Joe’s on a rainy Friday night in January. Looking forward to being in the crowd at a show again soon.

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Really means a ton. I appreciate it a ton. Hope to see y'all again soon

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Hey Conner,

Just wanted to say thank you for making our night so special in Wyandotte Michigan a couple weeks ago. My husband Jonah and I were having a really difficult day and were arguing about getting there from Toledo Ohio at a certain time. He was running late and it had been a rough week on us. It was totally the Lord getting us there at that exact time and moment. If it would’ve went the way we planned we would’ve never gotten the opportunity to meet you behind district 142 in the back ally before the meet and greet. You have reached so many people but especially us. The words you write have so much meaning. We danced to Meanwhile in Carolina at our wedding. Words can’t thank you enough for making us feel like such a big part of your concert. It truly means more than you know. You have impacted so many and I am grateful to be a part of it.

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Gosh this is really cool to hear. It was really sweet getting to met y'all before VIP. Y'all were super kind, I appreciate y'all making that drive. It really means a ton

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This is so wonderful! Thanks for sharing this!

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Thank you so much Conner

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Thank you so much Conner. I can’t say that enough. For everything, from meeting my now best friend in that bar that night because of your t shirt, for hanging with us that night before the show. Truly was the best day of my life, from telling you how your songs have changed our lives, to you telling us stories about Leah and Jake, and just listening to your songs. Truly something I’ll never forget. Excited to see you again and where you all go from here. I will also NEVER say vols the wrong way again!

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So good meeting you Cole! What a special night

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Oh no who let this guy in here 😂. We met again brother

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What a suprise!

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This is amazing Conner. Forever grateful to get to hang with you that day and be there for that show. It was truly the best day of my life, and an experience I will never forget. You care about your fans more than any artist does, and make it an emphasis to show how you grateful are which is something you don’t see often. Your career is just starting and cannot wait to see where you, Jake, Leah, cooper, and the whole crew go from here. That whole experience was truly a “God Moment” for me!

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My guy. Excited to hang again soon. Go vols

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You the man Brayden!

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This is special. Never seen an artist do this. Thank you Conner

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You're the best Annie.

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From hearing you for the first time my freshman year of college, with College Town ironically, to seeing you live my Senior year, the grown both as a rising artist and the evolution of your music. You put on the best concert I have ever seen in Rhinebeck NY at the Dutchess County Fair, but maybe that’s because me and my friends were all front row in the pit singing every word, until you hopped off stage and dapped me up and signed my freshly purchased Born Free hat during Creek will Rise. And the backstage conversation going into both yours and our experiences with your music and picture was more than I could have ever expected from a Country Concert. Can’t wait to come to the next one near me, with you as the Main Act, not just the opener.

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Loved getting to meet y’all after the show that night. Next time we are there I’ll play college town. I promise haha

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a side note to this - the duck you signed got stolen out of our apartment and is currently part of an ongoing investigation lol. anyways u rock man

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This is tragic. A little confused how someone came into your apartment and decided to steal your stuffed animal duck but that is a tough loss.

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i saw you when you opened for Luke Bryan on September 22 which is also my birthday i had the best time that was the first time i had heard of you and im a big fan now

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I saw you in concert for the first time when you opened up for Thomas Rhett in Virginia Beach, then again in Pittsburgh. I was getting ready to start my freshman year of college and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Since those two shows, I've been to 5 other shows of yours and I've gotten to meet you at every show I've been to except the first one. I brought my best friend to see you for her first concert, then my little sister went with me to see you in Wheeling for her first concert. Getting to meet and talk to you as well as some of the people that travel with you has been so much fun. It's even helped me figure out that I want to be involved with some of the behind the scenes aspects of touring with artists after college, and for that I can't thank you enough.

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this is amazing. I you ever have questions about getting into touring stuff let me know! appreciate you coming this last week too. Great seeing you again

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I was at your show in Des Moines a couple of weekends ago - the same night you’re referring to in your post. It didn’t feel like your typical concert; it felt intimate, yet a massive gathering with your best friends & family. My favorite part about the evening was you sharing about your faith & how it’s kept you grounded throughout your career. I’ve been around the entertainment industry & witnessed enough to know how broken it can be. From a fellow believer to another, keep it up. The world needs to hear of the Good News more.

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I was at this Iowa show and at the VIP. Thanks for the recognition. This show was only my 3rd time seeing you so for you to recognize me was awesome. I love your music and how you are wanting to let us know more about you is refreshing. I can't wait to see you again.

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